Tag Archives: drafting tools

My Favorite Tools for Making Mandalas

Today’s topic is a look at some of my favorite tools for making mandalas.

First, let’s look at drawing a circular container. It is often okay to draw around a circular object or draw it freehand. However, a perfectly uniform circle of a specific size is necessary to construct a geometry mandala. For this purpose compasses are the best tool. My favorite is the Staedtler Comfort 6″ Compass Set. I use mine frequently! It’s easy to use and works like a charm. The set also contains extra leads, another needle, and an adapter. The adapter is handy when using a marker instead of a standard pencil to outline the mandala.

Another helpful tool that I like is the Helix Angle and Circle Maker. It is a Protractor and Compass in One. In addition it features smaller circle templates within it. I especially find the 360-degree marks are useful in evenly marking off grids.

Lastly, I recommend having a t-square in your mandala-making tool kit. This economical 12-inch Helix Plastic T-Square is very useful to ensure 90-degree angles when constructing a mandala. It is also useful for cutting down paper into smaller sizes.

I hope that these recommendations are helpful to you in your mandala-making endeavors! Please let me know in  the comments how these tools work out for you, or if you have other suggestions.

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